CAASPP Presentation and Information A presentation in English and Spanish about the California State assessments given to our 3rd - 5th grade students. There are multiple clickable links and resources available in the presentation. / Una presentación sobre los exámenes estatales que se les da a nuestros estudiantes de 3er a 5to grados. Hay varios enlaces dentro de la presentación.
Go Guardian Teachers now have the ability to more closely monitor online student activity. / Ahora las maestras tienen la habilidad de monitorear actividad online estudiantil
Escalon Educational Foundation Edible Expo Saturday, November 16, 2019. $50 per person. All proceeds to benefit the Escalon Educational Foundation. Contact April Adams at 209 606 6487 for tickets or information.
La importancia de la asistencia estudiantil Haciendo clic en este enlace le dará al lector información sobre la importancia de la rutinaria asistencia escolar.
The importance of regular attendance Clicking on this link will provide the reader with important information about the importance of regular and consistent attendance at school.